It seems like a new CBD product hits the market every day. There are now scores of brands that make big promises about the effectiveness of their new CBD-infused products. Unfortunately, all products are not created equal.
If you are looking to add a CBD serum to your skincare regimen, read on to educate yourself about what to expect from these products and how to choose them.
What is CBD?
CBD is the abbreviation for the chemical compound cannabidiol. It is derived primarily from two natural sources: the marijuana plant and the hemp plant. CBD is a cannabis-based product, but it won't get you high. However, this does not mean that CBD has no psychoactive effects.
Cannabidiol binds to the same brain receptors as THC but in a slightly different way. Many studies have shown that while CBD does not cause a "high" it has an observable effect on the chemistry of the brain. This effect is responsible for the many potential benefits of CBD for the mind and body.
Researchers continue to explore the therapeutic benefits of CBD. There is now substantial evidence that CBD can be used to treat the following disorders:
- Seizure disorders
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Some forms of chronic pain
- Acne
CBD for the Skin
The research is still in its infancy, but there is some evidence to show that CBD can have benefits for skin health. Brands have taken notice. By the year 2026, it is estimated that the CBD skincare business will reach nearly $200 billion in annual sales.
With more products becoming available each day, how do you decide which ones to use? Don't overthink it. The answer depends in part on what your current skincare regimen looks like.
There are currently CBD products on the market designed to treat the following:
- Wrinkles and other signs of aging
- Dullness
- Dry skin
- Sensitive skin
- Breakouts
- eczema
There is a growing consensus that the most effective CBD skincare products come in the form of a serum.
Why serum?
Skincare serums were popular long before the advent of CBD products. Traditionally, a serum is a water-based product that carries a super-concentrated dose of a beneficial compound. Some serums are oil-based and can act as moisturizers.
Serums have several advantages over traditional creams and oils. Their high potency ensures that you are getting the most bang for your buck. Creams often have very low concentrations of the target compound, so results may be slow to come.
When it comes to CBD and skin, research shows that potency is key. If you are interested in the potential benefits of CBD for the skin, a serum is definitely the way to go.
What are the Effects?
Many skin issues are related to inflammation. When your body detects a threat, the inflammatory response is triggered. Signs of inflammation include:
- swelling
- redness
- tenderness
- pain
- heat
Many undesirable skin conditions are merely the effects of inflammation. There is mounting evidence to indicate that CBD may help to mitigate some of the symptoms. Adding a serum containing CBD to your skincare regimen is the most efficient way to learn if this compound is right for your skin.
As with many skincare products, the positive effects can take some time to manifest. Regular application of a high-quality product is key. There is no reason to skimp on your skin.
The Last Word
CBD skincare products are the latest industry trend, but many think that they are here to stay. Brands are cashing in on the hype, so be sure to do your research before adding CBD to your skincare regimen.